WingTsun, Spurs, Film, Theater, Monkeys, Pirates, Ninja's, Kitties and General Mayhem
The man with six fingers on his right hand.
Ramones, Beasties, Thrill Kill, Misfits, Ween, RATM, Lords of Acid, Radiohead, The Judys, RevCo, Pixies, At The Drive-In, Social D, PE, Tenacious D, Elvis, Gnarls Barkley, Flametrick Subs, Deadbolt, HWIII, Schoolhouse Rock
Fight Club, Akira, The Crow, Boondock Saints, True Romance/Pulp Fiction/Reservoir Dogs, 12 Monkeys, V for Vendetta, Shaun of the Dead, any Gilliam, Kitamura, Fincher, Singer, Otomo, Rodriguez, Raimi, Miyazaki, Chan-wook Park, QT, or Kurosawa flick
Robot Chicken, Lost, Boondocks, Family Guy, South Park, ATHF, Stroker and Hoop, Venture Brothers, The 4400, Weeds
American Gods, Pattern Recognition, anything by goodkind, palahniuk, ellis, jms, morrison, ennis, whedon or alan moore
Skooters and Skitties