Member Since: 8/23/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: BAG is a one man band,simple. BAG is the first artist signed to the newly reformed Simmons Records imprint on Sanctuary Records Group. First single off the record will be "I Can't Stand Your Face" with a video that will be featured here on MySpace. BAG on MySpace page maintained by Gene Hall and The Houseape for Simmons Records and BAG Enterprises.....General coding, programming and primate domesticity provided by House Ape.
Discussing influences can easily lead to writing a small set of encyclopedias.
Before I get into "musical" influences I need to mention that Television with
all of it's inane blather deserves to be the first "real" influence on my album.
That being said :
When your first start writing you try to sound like the artists that you love
the most.
But as you evolve and find your own voice, you end up with a sound that's not
easily identifiable with anything else. On my record, there are SO many places,
lyrics, phrasings, rhythms, layering that can one can correlate to other
But hopefully, none of them take away from the originality of what I'm trying to
Here's my process.
For me, the voice is everything. The lyric is everything. The attitude these
combine to deliver is everything and create the backbone of a song. Everything
else follows and here's where things you've heard come in to play. Here's where
influences can be used without making the song sound derivative of something
else. You pick sounds from your spice rack and begin adding and subtracting
until the whole thing sounds like it belongs.
It's funny because the influences on this record are some that people would
never pick out. I was a huge fan of a local art-soundscape band called
HELLENKELLER. Killer production and layering. They really affected my attitude
towards production and experimentation with abnormal recording techniques.
I saw another local act called VEAL in a club and they have this song called
Mexico Texaco. I absolutely loved the feel of it. I immediately went home and
wrote "Ay Mi Amore - I'm so fuckin' horny" which was a breakthrough song for me.
That set the tone for many things that followed.
Soul Coughing was another act that I somewhat steered the record toward. They
are one of the few bands that I can play any song off any record and I never get
sick of them. The music world lost something fantastic when they broke up.
Then there's Massive attack - Mezzanine. I must say that this record expanded my
production horizons on what I aspired to do.
After that there's a few acts that should be mentioned - Beck of course- the
lo-fi, word salad, groove writing definitely can be heard on my record.
Pink Floyd has an incredible way of expressing the desperate, cynical aloneness
that tortures our soul. You can definitely hear some Floyd in AFTERLIFE, Wasted
and other songs.
A little Zappa and a little Eminem in the attitude of their lyrics. Some Beatles
of course for melody. Moby in the use of some samples as wallpaper.
It gets complicated because sometimes you hear songs on the radio that you hate
but it affects you and you write a song that goes completely against it.
Or it could just be how a song is written around a simple lick or lyric.
But I have to add something very important here. There's huge influences on my
record that are none musical. It's a bent mood I fall into. It's a horrible
occurrence. It's an inexpressible rage because so many things piss me off or
make me laugh for that matter. It's the endless abyss of love that we fall into
and all of the other emotions that follow behind. It's the stupidity of watching
mind games play out while we try to control the things that are simply
impossible to control.
And will I ever learn to let go of it all and place importance only on the
Which leads to the ultimate question - What really is important??
Sounds Like:Hmm, some say Beck, some say Bob Dylan, T-Rex, NIN, all cool bands and performers but mostly I think BAG has his own sound, familiar yet refreshingly new, kinda crass, kinda lewd, but hell, if it were not for music, I most likely would be flashing beautiful women for kicks. Having said that, show me your and I'll show you mine!!
Lighthearted and hysterically masterful, BAG and Simmons seem hell bent on shocking the world with such titallating imagery including a bare breasted midget. And thats just in the first minute and a half of this almost 4 minute video certain to shock, rock, and roll the world, and leaving them,you.. wanting more!!
KISS fans, brace yourself, just when you thought Gene couldnt shock or surprise you, he manages to by bringing out this unique, talented artist known simply as BAG. BAG obviously has a sense of humor one cant help but enjoy listening to and watching as well. For an advance look and listen to BAG, go to and see what's "In the BAG"! Gene Hall
Record Label: Simmons Records/Sanctuary Music
Type of Label: Indie