Since 1968, we have been a club at the University of Szeged School of Medicine. We are located in Szeged , the City of Sunshine, in the south of Hungary .
Our mission is to entertain our visitors with the best selection of music, a wide range of drinks, and an atmosphere where everyone can dance and feel gorgeous.
Past concerts have featured bands and performers such as LMT Connection, Joel Parisien, Hollywood Rose, Lord Bishop, Ganxsta Zolee és a Kartel, Paso, Amber Smith, E.Z. Basic, Chrystal, Bernard Fowler, Keith LeBlanc, Little Axe, Doug Wimbish, Sziámi, Jamie Winchester és Hrutka Róbert, Beatrice, Sun City, Mystery Gang, etc.
Below, you will find the schedule for our upcoming concerts:
April, 2008
22. Tuesday, 10.00PM
Hollywood Rose concert
May, 2008
10. Saturday, 8.00PM
Loop Doctors Feat. Gary Willis
13. Tuesday, 10.00PM
Supernem concert
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