"Hey, I'm a crazy bitch..."
I have been a student at Bangor University for over 2 years now, learning about the squishies and the friggly wigglies and all't chemicals in't th'ocean. One thing I have learnt is this BIOLOGICAL FACT:
"A slipknot can sometimes be a lifesaver."
Fair enough it was in reference to hagfish but you know :oP
Whilst at Bangor, I've become an active member of MANW and as of recently, am a certified MMM! :D
Since joining MANW in 2006, I have been promoted to project leader status and given my own survey point at Bull Bay, Anglesey. The surveys are part of the Harbour Porpoise Action Plan and I'm thrilled to be a part of it :o)
We're working to protect the porpoise populations around Anglesey and stop the baddies from trying to build in, change and pollute their environment. And yes I am a geek :o)
"Impurities make me the way I am"
Regardless of where I'm residing, I'm still a Wigan lass at heart :o)
I go to Download every year, 2008 was my 5th and it was fucking sexual:o)
In 2004 I went with my high school girlies, in 2005 just Macavoy and since then I've gone with the beautiful people and the old Caf crew and any other strays we happen to find along the way :oP
I am a genuinely nice person. Which you either see as a weakness or a rare quality, but I guess that's your choice to make.
Photographs are one of my favourite things on the planet and I'm rarely without my camera <3
My nail varnish is always chipped because I rarely paint my nails and I never take last time's attempt off. My nails are always long too 'cos they grow really fast, like my hair, even though I don't take care of either of them.
I am forgetful, like Dory, which is why it's Mr Bliss's nickname for me :)
If there's water about, I'm probably in it. It's one of my favourite things in the world.
I'd like to find my other half someday too.
As much as I am a softie, I'm also a bit of a masochist/sadist too. Love a bit of pain, like a bit of torture. I've been told that the hard-faced side of me is a bit more obvious than the cuddly side. People tend to be far more surprised when I tell them that I feel sorry for teddies or cry at films like The Rugrat's Movie :oP
And my phone's just as bad as I am, temperamental and loving the abuse. I dropped it and knackered it and was trying to fix it when I dropped it again, into a puddle. Shortly following, it began to work again :o)
I love fish and Finding Nemo and even bubbles I find pretty cool :o) But the circles left after the bubbles pop are just scary, I cannae deal with them.
I'm obviously a
And I love gingers too. Lots :o)
My favourite ginger though, is of course my baba. He cured my insomnia :)
And finally, please take a minute to click on one of these links if you agree with anything they're saying, it's all free :o)
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