Drumming, it's the most important hobby I've ever had. I love it lots, and it makes me happy. Philosophy, Comedy, Love, Combining words (Supremium), Massages, Connecting with people, Helping people through comedy, Native American spiritual beliefs, learning, forgetting, life.
Hot girls at libraries?
TOOL, Led Zepplin, The Faint, Weezer, Cake, Journey, In Flames, Unearth
If you want to understand me then check this out {[http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=zLElfJ9YCh0]}
Modern Marvels, Captain Planet, X-men, I love dorky television: Nova, History Channel, Discover Planet, Animal Planet. Except that both the previously mentioned planet channels have totally sold out in recent years. But every once in a while you get some sweet shows and you learn a bagillion facts.
The Count of Monte Cristo, Shogun, anything by Clive Cussler
Bruce Lee, Danny Carrey (the drummer from Tool)