NBHA, GBRA, AQHA, PBHA, Cobb County 4-H Horse and Pony Club, Jackpots, Futurities, Trail Riding, Hiking, Fishing, Line Dancing, hanging out with family and friends, Beauty Pageants!!
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People that like to have a good time and hangout. If your southern its a plus, but I will welcome anyone out to have a Great time!! NO LIARS, NO BACKSTABBERS, NO ASSHOLES!! Also...Guys...just because you have one, Doesn't mean you have to be one. ;-)
ANYTHING that has a kick ass beat to it!! The words count a little too.
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Open for anything as long as its not dumb!! My all time FAVORITE has to be "Gone With The Wind" boy to live in those times!!
I Love To Learn new stuff! So anything thats informative and not dull!
God, Mom, Dad, Mick(brother), Charmayne James & Martha Josey!!