Scotty D!! profile picture

Scotty D!!


About Me

Nothing interseting about me ___________________________________________________________ "If anyone of you get killed by any of those punks down there i'll pull you back from hell and kill you myself!" - Cid FF7 Dirge of Cerberus ___________________________________________________________ "no matter what i do, no matter how hard i try, the ones i love will always but the ones to pay" Peter Parker - Spiderman 1 ___________________________________________________________ Some people say theres a heaven and a hell well there wrong hell is the world they live in and when they die they go to heaven hence the wording "there in a better place now" life is a cruel and unforgiving so isn't fate life is not a fairy tale there is no happy ending and everyones hopes and dreams will some day come crashing down and a mass of hot tormenting flames thats life for you. ___________________________________________________________ "Most people think time is like a river, flowing swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you, they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm. You may wonder who I am and why I say this. Come, and I will tell you a tale like none you have ever heard..." - Prince of Persia ___________________________________________________________. . width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!

My Interests


anything Rock'N Roll


Megaman X8 Intro

Introdução do Jogo para PC

Zero - Blow me away

An AMV that I made a month ago I hope you enjoy it. Anime: Rockman.exe Beast+ Song: Blow me away Artist: breaking benjamin

DBZ-GT Linkin Park -Faint

Music video of Dragon Ball Z and GT. Music: Faint - Linkin Park Made by ME

Weird Al Yankovic- The Beer Song

EInfach nur geil!!!!!!!!!

Chrono Trigger music video - System of a Down - Chop Suey

This is the Chop Suey music video. It features some clips from Chrono Trigger. This video is awesome!

DBZ Linkin Park In The End Dedication To Vegeta

DBZ Linkin Park In The End Dedication To Vegeta

dragonball One step closer


Guyver's Fall

If you are a Guyver Fan you must see this AMV. This AMV was Shown at AFO5. Video Source: Guyver Series Music By: Trust Company (Awsome Band) Questions or comments:


The prototype trailer with Sick Sad Little World by Incubus.

Final Fantasy-How to save a life-The Fray

Final Fantasy 7,Advent Children,8,9,10

DBZ - Remember

Dragonball Z, song is Remember, by Disturbed.


Bardock Vs Freezer

DBZ - Bardock

Dragonball Z, Bardock - Father of Goku song is Crying out, by Shinedown Stealth, Batman Begins, War of The worlds, Godzilla,.... list would continue but it long.


ANIME AND CARTOONS! plus comedy. Anime: FMA, s-CRY-ed, InuYasha, Megaman, Shamen King, One Piece (kinda), DragonBall, DBZ, DBGT, Cartoons: Futurama, Family Guy, American Dad (kinda), Simpsons Comedy: RED DWARF!


Books? Reading whats that?


Superman, Spiderman, My dad, Adam Sandler, my unofficial wife Anna Turcotte.

My Blog

Ozzy Osbourne - I don't wanna stop lyrics (true lyrics)

I don't know what they're talking aboutI'm making my own decisionsThis thing that I foundAin't gonna bring me downI'm like a junkie without an addictionMama don't cryI just wanna say hiLike playing wi...
Posted by Scotty D!! on Wed, 16 May 2007 08:48:00 PST

advice on how to deal with S*** Heads

do you ever sit there wondering who you can trust and who you can't ...... i do ..... i know i only know a few people i can trust and the others are nothing but heartless back stabbers using me to mak...
Posted by Scotty D!! on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 08:15:00 PST