Krobar Kollins profile picture

Krobar Kollins

Pay your dues and drink your Brews

About Me

I am a ninja who is slicing through life creating knowledge, experience and wisdom. Creeping in the shadows of human existance is providing me with the power and skills to effect all living creatures. In my free time I skate, drink, chief and enjoy living.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Travel, Experience, Skateboards, Friends, The Horrible German Language and Myspace

I'd like to meet:

People of great influence like Lao-tzu, Johann von Goethe and Charles Darwin. Also anyone who has something to say, people who are keeping life on a positive tip and of course anyone who is skating and having fun.


All muisc that does me in my earhole. All types.........yes, including Country,Classical, Reggea and "Puss' Rock. All original music that strikes me in my soul.


All films that stir up emotion, feelings and question.






Heroes are all around us......, you could be one too.