Hi! Welcome to Under Construction Promotions! I am a dedicated music lover. The goal of my site is to help smaller bands, especially ones with music i enjoy, become better known! I will try to keep concerts/shows up to date for all the bands I promote.
If you're in a band and would like to be added to my page, please email me at [email protected].
NOTE: I am currently working on redoing my page, adding more friends, and establishing more connections in the music world at this point in time. However I will begin promoting bands again as soon as I have a solid friend base.
I work for free, however I do ask that the bands I help out give me recognition by doing a few things:
1. Giving me a spot on the left side of your page as your "promoter" or "online publicist" depending on what I do for you.
2. Giving me a spot on your top friends.
3. Guest listing me for shows you play in my area.
Every other week I will feature a random band (who doesn't need to give me credit... other than sending fans to my
Also... Every month I will feature one of the bands I promote. I will post a blog where fans will be allowed ask questions. I will select a few of the ones I like best and include them in an interview which I will post on my page.
If you have any other ideas that you think would help, please let me know.
layout credit