I am interested in PC Games, PS3, PSP, MotoSport such as MOTO GP,Car Racing such as F1, WRC (World Rally Championship), Football(Liverpool Fan) ;D.
Create a Lava Lamp
WOuld LIke To MEet All Kind Of PEople As Long He/She SIncere In Relationship...;D
Like The Say,"MUSIC IS PATH OF MY LIFE", LIke ANy KInd Of MUsic.MUsic Can Make Me Feel KOOL, RElax,SAd,Cheerful.My FAvourite B4nd, My Chemical Romance, Yellow, Greenday, SugarRay,Korn,The Darkness,WestLife,LinkinPark,KRU.
I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.
I LIke ACtion, COmedy, Romance, Legend, such as Pirates of The Carribean,Terminator3, Resident Evil,HitMan,James Bond 007,Transformer,Tokyo Drift,KL-Drift,Remp-it,Rambo 4.
I like sport channel;AXN,STARSPORT,Music Channel;MTV,Channel V,ASTRO RIA;Akademi Fantasia, TV3; Buletin Utama.
I dun like reading....juz read for Exam, HiHi ;D
My Parents were my Heroes. Proud to be son of Heroes.
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