DOUCHEEE profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm 20. I just got engaged on the 10th of March 2007. Happiest day for me so far! I'm very athletic and good at just about everything I do. I'm between 4'6 and 7'2 depending on which convinience store I am going in. I'm really 6'0 though. I weigh 160lbs and have an athletic build. I've been told my shit is big. Just had to put that out there. I live in roanoke with I guess some good people. Most here are backstabbing sons of bitches and they know who I am talking about. I have the best dog in the world buddy. Can't live with out him. I drive a 1990 Nissan 300zx sports car. Love it to death and can't imagine what kind of POS i would be driving if I didn't buy it. My family is the shit. Everyone in it is awsome even though for a couple years I had severe problems with some of them. I have the best 2 little adopted sisters in the world and the best older bro (sometimes) and younger sis ever. I'm a Virginia Tech Hokie fan through and through. They upset me sometimes but I still love em. I'm also one of the largest Cincinati Bengal fans.

My Interests

I'm interested in EVERYTHING. Favorite interest is of course SEX. Then cars and after that I could care less

I'd like to meet:

I'm up for meeting anybody except people like me.










Lance Armstrong, Myself, My dad, Mom, Roger Clemens, Bret Farve, Larry Byrd, and The man with the plan FRANK BEAMER!!!GO HOKIES

My Blog

New Car

I bought a brand new car on friday!! Its a 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer. Had 10 miles on it and never owned. I'm so happy to finally be able to own sometihng new!!!
Posted by DOUCHEEE on Wed, 23 May 2007 10:24:00 PST

New Apt.

So I've finally decided to get an Apt. I'll prolly end up with a one bedroom for me and my g/f....Its all I really want. I'm just excited to get one for us so we can start our life together leading up...
Posted by DOUCHEEE on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 11:58:00 PST