internet porn, Beer, water polo, underwater basket weaving
Nikola Tesla , Henery rollins, Glen Danzig, The late Chris Reeves, Dr. Hawkins, Eddie Izzard, Bruce Campbell, Tom Savini, George A Ramero, Stan Lee, Capt Spaulding and your Momma
metal , Hard rock ,rockabilly, psychobilly, really will give anything a try
dodgeball, snatch, signs , the village, unbreakable, Anything from the Gang at gonzoriffic
"Dexter"/"weeds"/ "nip/tuck" "the shield" / "rescue me"
amazing book of useless knowledge, anything with useless facts and knowledge
THE DUDE. You know... the dude, his dudeness, duder, el duderino; if youre not into the whole brevity thing.Captain InsanoAnd that guy that shot all those people from that tower in texas (he was a damn good shooter)