whiskey , beer , cats , playing drums , drawing pictures , bright colours (obviously?), fresh basil, tabouli, ASCII art, 8-bit digital art, notpr0n, riding my Auto-mini fold-up bike.
The Fucking Champs, Hella, Blonde Redhead, Deerhoof, Destroyer, Dungen, Don Caballero, From Fiction, Tortoise, The Unicorns, The Sadies, Scout Niblett, Children of Bodom, Special Noise, dd/mm/yyyy, Of Montreal, Sleater Kinney, The Sea and Cake, Pinback, Pavement, Chet Atkins, Tommy Emmanuel, David Bowie, Rough Trade, The Slits, Donovan, The Who, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper, Van Halen, Rush, Fleetwood Mac, Simply Saucer, Neil Young, Hendrix, The Stone Roses, The Ventures, Ennio Morricone, Queen ..
Chinatown, Mullholland Drive, Tron, Robocop, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, A History of Violence, Blade Runner, Imitation of Life, City of God, Total Recall, Office Space, Unbreakable, Rushmore, Magnolia, Delicatessen, Time Bandits, Brazil, Rosemary's Baby, Cube, Fahrenheit 451, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Big Sleep, Les 400 Coups, The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai, 28 Days Later, The Grifters, Swordsman 1 & 2, A Fistful of Dollars, My Neighbour Totorro, Laputa Castle in the Sky, Taxi Driver, Apocalypse Now, Christmas Story, The Saddest Music In the World, I (Heart) Huckabees, Willow, Pan's Labyrinth
The Daily Show, Little Britain, Kids in the Hall, ANTM, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, Arrested Development,Wonder Showzen ..
The Martian Chronicles, Swag, Batman: Year One, Love and Rockets: Chester Square, Snow Crash, Optic Nerve: Summer Blonde, You Are Here, Jim Woodring's Frank
Alex Toth, Jean "Moebius" Giraud, Keith Moon, Neal Stephenson, Ellen Ripley,my mom (Seriously, she's wicked smart)