“Like a thunderous roar, her voice warms up and then bursts into the room like a thousand splinters of glass. (from the ‘Asian Age’, July 27, 2002). As a singer, composer, song writer and a vocal trainer, Keren is performing & teaching Indian Classical Music and World Music. "Janata Express", released on Quantum's "Penetration" CD, marked the beginning of a beautiful, creative cooperation between Keren Porat and Quantum (Gidi Snapir) World known trance artist and producer. Born in 1972, Israel, Keren Porat was inspired by music at an early age. She performed as part of youth groups all over Israel and abroad in Jewish festivals and started her association with pop groups during her college days. Sang in the CD Neve Midbar, of Shlomo Maman (1996), CD Ane Li of Ehud Banai, (2004), CD Dream World, of Nissim Amon (2006) and in the CD Penetration & Forplay compilation produced by Quantum (2007). Keren was In the press, part of TV (channels 2 & Teva Hadvarim) & Radio shows where she sang light western a long with Indian music. Keren began a new musical journey on 1998 in India. Looking back, she feels it was a turning point in her life. Keren received a scholarship from ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations) to learn Indian classical music in India, she joined the revered ‘Gandharva Mahavidyalaya’, New-Delhi. Along with her Academic studies she had her training in Mumbai under the tutelage of Smt. Veena Sahasrabuddhe, since April, 2002. She completed her six years course (Visharad-B.A.) in May, 2005.