«Le Chat»Richard Blass profile picture

«Le Chat»Richard Blass

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Richard Blass est un criminel canadien notoire. Entre 1965 et 1975, il est soupçonné de 21 meurtres, a réalisé 3 évasions spectaculaires et a survécu à 5 fusillades. La presse l'avait surnommé « le Chat ».Qualifié de « criminel le plus dangereux du Canada » par le procureur de la couronne, Me Claude Girouard, Richard Blass est un criminel brillant, arrogant et très dangereux. Il a réalisé une évasion que certains considèrent comme la « fuite la plus importante du siècle » au Canada.Toujours à la recherche de publicité, le fugitif a d'ailleurs fait parvenir à la presse une photo de lui-même, durant son évasion, après avoir lu dans le Journal de Montréal que la police ne possédait aucune photo récente du criminel recherché. En novembre 1974, il écrivait une lettre à son procureur, Frank Shoofey, dans laquelle il menaçait de tuer un grand nombre de personnes, « à moins que les journalistes n'obtiennent la permission de visiter les lieux de détention de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul ».Évadé du pénitencier de Saint-Vincent-de-Paul le 23 octobre 1974, Richard Blass est entré au cabaret le Guargantua, le 21 janvier 1975, avec l'intention d'éliminer un ancien policier, devenu gérant de l'établissement. Après avoir commis ce meurtre, Blass et ses complices décidèrent d'éliminer les douze témoins sur place en incendiant le cabaret.Ce crime spectaculaire incita les autorités policières à se lancer à la recherche de Blass afin de mettre fin à ses activités. La poursuite se termine à Val-David dans les Laurentides avec la mort violente de Blass, abattu de 27 balles par la police. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX OXO.......Otage de claude poirier «FAIT VECU»la vi dun vrait négociateur
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Si la vie peut parfois sembler linéaire et prévisible, celle de Claude Poirier, en revanche, ressemble à un roman. Baignant depuis 44 ans dans le monde interlope québécois, le reporter-vedette de l'actualité criminelle propose avec Otages un récit-témoignage où sont racontées ses expériences de médiateur lors de prises d'otages. De l'Institut Pinel à la prison Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, on croise entre autres les "Lawrence d'Arabie", A.-R. Brown, Gordon Lussier et le légendaire Richard Blass, l'homme aux neuf vies, dit "le Chat". Les situations sont extrêmes, la tension aussi. Thriller-vérité, le livre s'avère un cadeau plus qu'indiqué pour les amateurs du Négociateur à TVA: c'est le document à l'origine de la télé-série. Éd. Stanké, 2005, 279 p.
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Meurtrier (tueur à gage) né en 1946. Son surnom, «Le Chat» indique que tel un chat il semblait avoir plusieurs vies. Le 10 octobre 1968, il est atteint de 3 balles à la tête dans un garage du boulevard Saint-Michel à Montréal et s'en tire. La police le soupçonne d'avoir participé à 20 meurtres dont 15 au bar le Gargantua de la rue Beaubien à Montréal ; le 30 octobre 1974, il y aurait tué deux de ses anciens partenaires de vol, Roger «Seven-Up» Lévesque qu'il accusait de l'avoir dénoncé à la police et Raymond Laurin qu'il accusait d'avoir fait échouer un vol qui l'avait conduit en prison pour 6 ans ; au même endroit, le 21 janvier suivant, il y aurait abattu le gérant du bar, emprisonné 12 clients dans une petite pièce, puis mis le feu à plusieurs endroits dans le bar / /

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Le soliciteur Génerale- pi le directeur du penitencier St-vincent-de-paul - Cotronni pi ses capo XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX
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Richard Blass (1945-January 24, 1975) was an infamous Canadian gangster and a multiple murderer. Born in Montreal, he was nicknamed Le Chat, French for The Cat, so nicknamed because of his luck in evading death after surviving at least three assisination attempts, a police shootout and escaping from custody twice.[edit] Biography Born in the Montreal neighbourhood of Rosemont, Blass would turn to amateur boxing as a way to channel his anger when he was a child. It was after a boxing fight that Blass would commit one of his first known crimes, as he attacked fellow boxer Michel Gouin once their fight was over. Having lost to Gouin, Blass attacked his victor with a knife, then pleading guilty to assault and spending one night in jail.As time went by, Blass became more obsessed with the mafia activity going on in New York city, south of Montreal. As obsessed as he was with the mafia, however, he was also known for his hatred of mafia organizations: resenting the fact that the Italian mafia held a stronghold on Montreal's underworld business during the 1960s, Blass was involved in minor fights with many mafia members, particularly those related to Frank Cotroni and brothers Jos and Vincenzo DiMaulo, all of which received death threats by Blass. He had also worked as hitman for notorious West End Gang.Richard Blass and Robert Allard were to ambush Frank Cotroni on May 7, 1968. But the ambush attempt was broken by a policeman who saw them act suspiciously and proceeded to try to investigate them by following them in his patrol. Cotroni's life was saved by the policeman who was not able to arrest Blass or Allard as they escaped.By then, Blass had a sizable number of members in his own criminal gang. Angered at the fact that they could not kill Cotroni, Blass and his gang then became more violent, committing a number of murders against Italians, some of whom had nothing to do with crime. The first such killing took place on May 27, twenty days after the attempt against Cotroni's life, when Guissepe Collizza was killed with five shots to the head.One of the persons that Blass and his group killed, Francesco Grado, however, had connections to the Italian mafia. Grado was a loan shark for the mafia. He was murdered with multiple gun shots.On August 24 of that year (1968), the first mafia attempt against Blass' life took place, when two hired gunmen entered a bar where Blass was enjoying some drinks. Although shot at multiple times, Blass was able to escape unscathed.Two weeks later, Blass was tracked by the mafia in a motel named "Le Manoir de Plaisance", in a Montreal suburb. The motel was set on fire and three people died, but Blass escaped the blaze. Police investigation indicated arson as the fire's cause.On October of 1968, Richard Blass was injured by bullet shots to the head and back after being ambushed, alongside partner Claude Menard, inside a garage. The two were able to save their lives when Menard drove the car they were in through the garage's door, and Blass required hospitalization for his wounds. He refused to identify his attackers, fact which may have led him to earn respect among Canadian mafia members.On January of 1969, Blass and his gang tried to commit a bank robbery but the attempt failed before Blass shot a policeman as he was fleeing from the financial institution. Blass was consequently arrested, and sentenced to four consecutive terms of ten years in jail.On October 16 of that year, Blass became a fugitive for the first time, when he and other prisoners overpowered a jail guard and fled the van in which they were being transported to a court. Already married, Blass was caught after an anonymous caller informed the police that he was hiding in his wife's apartment.Blass awaited five years, until 1974, for his second attempt at an escape. An unidentified woman friend of his brought in some firearms during a visit, and Blass broke the jail visitor's window. Armed with various types of guns and rifles, he and other men were able to escape jail, in Blass' case, for the second time.Blass wanted to kill Raymond Laurin and Roger Lévêsque, both of whom had participated in the 1970 bank robbery and testified against him. He found them both at a bar on October 30 and shot them to their deaths.Convinced that he needed to kill all witnesses of the deaths of Laurin and LeVesque, Blass and gang partner Fernand Beaudet returned to the bar on January 21, 1975. They locked ten men and three women inside a bar locker, killing the thirteen persons.What followed that act was one of Canada's largest manhunts in history. On January 24, at 4:30 AM EST, police opened the door to the room where Blass was staying. Blass fired at them, but he was hit twenty three times by police bullets, dying instantly.//Yé En Tabarnak Le Gars...

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