Dj Primary was born in Constanta on 22nd of june 1987 and his real name is Dan Primaru. Music being his passion since chilhood, he discovers true electronic music when he listened for the first time Tiesto’s mixes. He became a fanatic of the genre and tries to get thoroughly into it.
Being a supporter of the improvement idea, he follows for 3 months a DJ refresher course under the lead of EAST DJ ASSOCIATION, and now he pleasantly combines genres as techno and minimal (his favourites), adding influences of house and tech house but always surprising when he is playing with mixer effects.
Into a continnuous development, he mixed at numerous partyes and underground clubs of Constanta at BTT arena, Amsters, Club 4 You, Berlin, The One, My Place, sometimes in Amnesia (summer club) and XS , even at Romanian Grand Prix Mamaia 2007, always standing out by the freshness of his choices. As time passed he was invited at various events, clubs, summer clubs and TV shows. He is always open minded rising electronic music in every possible way.
In 2008 occupies himself with a TV Show background music that is broadcasted on national lay-out every Sunday. Moreover the biggest chalenge of Dj Primary comes from Club Radio, a local radio station of Constanta that dedicates itself to club music. This radio station grants DJ Primary 2 hours of transmission every Saturday evening. DJ Primary actualizes a broadcast that is called Music Conference and generally promotes techno music and minimal having guests as Fabrizio Maurizi, Richie Hawtin, Barem, Xpansul, Ladies on Mars, Timo Maas, Phonique, Paco Osuna, Emil Lassaria, Mistress Barbara, Djuma Sound System, Simon Baker and Horace Dan D. Being friend with some of these artists they are inspiration elements for DJ Primary. In the future he will have both foreign guests and romanian in his second year of Music Conference.
Under the motto "hot drink good music" , Dj Primary always tries to catch unawares by inovation and wishes to bring a large contribution to the clubbing movement and electronic music scene in the sea shore city.
DJ Primary se numeste in buletin Dan Primaru si s-a nascut in Constanta pe 22 iunie 1987. Pasionat de muzica inca din copilarie descopera cu adevarat muzica electronica atunci cand aude pentru prima data mixurile lui Tiesto. Incepe sa devina un pasionat al genului si incearca sa aprofundeze cat mai mult.
Un adept al ideii de perfectionare, urmeaza timp de trei luni cursurile scolii profesioniste East DJ Association si acum imbina foarte placut genuri ca techno si minimal (care sunt preferatele lui), adaugand influente de house si tech house dar intotdeauna surprinzand mai ales prin efectele adaugate din mixer.
Aflat in continua ascensiune, a mixat la numeroase petreceri si cluburi undeground din Constanta intotdeauna iesind in evidenta prin prospetimea alegerilor sale. De-a lungul timpului l-ati putut auzi in BTT arena, Amsters, Club 4 You, Berlin, The One, My Place, si uneori in Amnesia (summer club) si XS , chiar si la Romanian Grand Prix Mamaia 2007 si ca invitat special la emisiunea “Ore verzi†de pe Tv Neptun. Intotdeauna deschis la a promova muzica electronica cat mai mult posibil.
In 2008 se ocupa de background-ul muzical al unei emisiuni TV care e difuzata pe plan national in fiecare duminica. De altfel cea mai mare provocare vine din partea Club Radio, un radio local din Constanta ce se dedica muzicii de club. Acesta ii acorda lui DJ Primary 2 ore de emisie in fiecare sambata seara. DJ Primary realizeaza o emisiune ce se numeste Music Conference si promoveaza in general muzica techno si minimal avandu-i ca invitati, in premiera la C FM, pe Fabrizio Maurizi, Richie Hawtin, Barem, Xpansul, Ladies on Mars, Timo Maas, Phonique, Paco Oasuna, Emil Lassaria, Mistress Barbara si Djuma Souns System. Fiind prieteni cu unii dintre acesti artisti ei sunt elemente de inspiratie pentru DJ Primary. Pe viitor el va avea ca invitati atat artisti straini cat si romani in al doilea sau an de Music Conference.
Sub motto-ul "hot drink good music!" , DJ Primary incearca mereu sa surprinda prin inovatie si isi doreste sa aduca o mare contributie miscarii clubbing si scenei de muzica electronica in orasul de la malul marii.
"I live and breathe electronic music and the last years have been immersed in it."
"If sky is the limit let angels hear my music!"
"I've always said, have a plan and stick to it. Hot drink good music."
i'd like to meet :
"10.000 people dancing in the rhythm of my music."
"A star is... CREATED!!!"
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