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About IGunk IGunk is the fictitious business name we created based on a childhood word we used to describe the eye excrement we found every morning. Everyday we wake up and have to cleanse our eyes of all the crap we picked up from the day before. Though the name is fictitious, the effort and sacrifice it took us to get here was not. The name for us has now become a way of life, a movement if you will. An ideology spawned from American culture in the minds of two brothers. The first idea we would like to share with the world is a little artwork collection we would like to call, A Pawn an Ink.
The creative force behind IGunk lies in the artistic mind of Charlie Hustle, blessed with an inept ability to understand the mechanics of creating visual art. Having this gift has allowed him to create exactly what he sees in his imagination. What you see before you is exactly what he envisions in his mind. It took dedication and countless years for him to master his craft in order to share with the world exactly what he sees. The world has never seen anything like this, images taken from his dreams and nightmares. Formally trained in the fine arts has given Charlie an edge on most designers. From creating master pieces of vast canvases to a t-shirt was an easy transition. The one element which sets us apart from everyone is our artwork. The fact is, we are not designing t-shirts with catchy artwork. We are selling artwork on a t-shirt. Everything from anatomy to color theory has been used to maximize how effective our message is presented to the public. Customers are purchasing these shirts not as textiles, but as moving artwork. We sought out to create a shirt which would be valued and appreciated in the same manner as any piece of artwork. The work has been enriched with meaning and the lines have been thoughtfully placed to create emphasis on the message of his artwork, not to adhere with popular fashion design trends. We’re not here to give you a “cool†logo, we’re here to share our vision and to give to you a piece of artwork you plan to cherish and value. Our shirts will not be seen as textiles with unique design, but instead seen as artwork placed on a textile for everyone to wear and appreciate. The message is shared best when it is not stationary on a wall in an exhibit, but instead placed on a shirt to be seen by all
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First Impressions
By: Charles Vo
First impressions are always remembered,
A lasting image upon our minds,
But first impressions can be deceiving,
The truths and lies tend to intertwine,
We front like we're someone we're not,
Afraid our real character would detract,
Putting forward only our attractive persona,
When in truth it's our confidence we lack,
In the beginning we thrive on our lies,
Ironically being the happiest of times,
But gradually all things will fade,
Everything in life will reach its prime,
When the truth does make its appearance,
And the fiber of our youth reveals its head,
Instead of an increasing satisfaction,
Our contentment is questioned instead,
Yet people decide to ignore this,
Even with this fact embedded in our minds,
Even those who have experienced it,
They forget and leave all memories behind,
It's the priority of love and temptation,
A Necessity for one to live a virtuous life,
Some will go through it all over again,
Expressing sorrow pain and contrite,
But it's all apart of love and our lives,
There's a risk to any action we take,
But for the glimpse of temporary happiness,
We put all our emotions and heart at stake…
Charles Vo
[email protected]
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.
-Dr. Napoleon Hill
Important dates/notices
To be announced
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Nelson Mandel-