reading( everything), gardening, writing, dogs(dog park), hiking,salsa and tango dancing, festivals, naps, taking baths, talking bullshit to strangers, telling the truth when its least expected or wanted,and jumping rope( which is hard and totally kicks my ass).
Bee charmers, plant nerds, book whores, artists, exhibitionists, dog lovers, salsa dancers, girls who look like boys and those of us that wore wonder woman under-roos( we recognize our own)as kids. However if you are STILL wearing the wonder woman under-roos then I do not want to meet you. Also, I'd like to meet whoever it was that decided to stuff the pimento into the olive and not vice versa. I have an unholy facination with freckles and beauty marks and I love women with short hair who have ears like seashells. I want to meet people who wear orange and swear. If you can Lead in Tango then I want to dance with you.
rock, jazz, r&b, Funk, classical, i'm a big opera fan, hip-hop, musicals, swing and big band,blues,latin anything, salsa, tango...too too many artists to list.
muppet movies, the blues brothers, the usual suspects, the professional, amelie, sense and sensability, the nightmare before christmas, femme nikita, white christmas, the king and I, to kill a mockingbird, grosse point blank, matilda, chicago, millions
The Soup,The office, and all of the documentaries I TiVo but never watch
sandra cisnerous is one of my faves, also isabelle allende, harper lee, 1421,The alchemist, Guns, germs and steel, truth and beauty, The Historian( who dosn't love a good vampire book?), any book about the bubonic plauge( The great Mortality is a good one), history of love by nicole krauss! The little prince( awww...I know), Hafiz( why isn't he taught in our schools?), Fried Green tomatos( god that woman is funny), Edward Gory,William Carlos Williams, ee cummings, Edna St.Vincent Milay, David Sedaris, Jared Diamond, Colette,Steinbeck's the short story perfection!! bruce eric kaplan's every person on the planet( its funny cause its true),
Elenore Roosevelt, Margret Sanger, Jimmy Carter, anyone that helps me with directions when I am lost in l.a.( too many people to mention by name) and the kid that helped me put the chain back on my bike when I bit it in front of my new school in the 5th grade ( he did it without laughing at me). My Mom who survived cancer and my Dad, who didn't.