My name is Raven and I was adopted from a rescue in St. Thomas, Ontario, CANADA. I was stuck in a cage for six months and was so excited to be adopted by a lady who came into the rescue and took me away from that horrible place. Many of the cats were sick with Feline Respiratory Disease and I was lucky enough to get out of there before I caught it too. When I came home my human put me in my room (I share with my 2 adult humans), they gave me yummy food, fresh water, a potty of my own and lots and lots of toys. I was so happy that I stayed awake for 2 days straight just running and playing and meowing! My humans kept me in the room for those 2 days but I could smell that there was another cat and a DAWG in my new house. I was so curious I was nearly breaking my leg reaching under the door so my human put a baby gate up so I could see my other friends. Silly human! Didn't she know a baby gate was no barrier to me! I hopped over that thing like it was a pebble on the ground and I immediately made friends with the DAWG that the humans call Basil. He's goofy like me and we chase eachother and pounce at eachohter in play fight mode. I wasn't keen on meeting the other cat in the house. Her name is Jade and she thinks she's QUEEN of the house... a snooty old dame of 3 years old and she growls at me any time I come near. She'll learn to love me though...some day. But for now I tease her like crazy. I chase her around the house and pounce at her and generally annoy her as much as I can. I can tell she thinks I'm a SPAZ but that's ok, cuz I am. For now, me and Baz are friends and I love scratches from my humans and I like to stand or lay on top of my big female human. I'm spoiled to death and have so many toys, my humans get annoyed that they are all over the place. That silly dog keeps his toys in a basket LOL! That'll be the day I keep my toys all locked up in a basket. Anyway, after 6 months in a cage surrounded by hundreds of sick cats, I'm so happy to be in my new home. I've been here only since Sept. 4th 2007 but I have settled in really well and am purrrrrfectly happy now.