***DISCLAIMER: JMG Studios, the Mecha Manga MySpace page, and the creative team behind Mecha Manga Bible Heroes is not responsible for nor afilliated with any ads or banners appearing on MySpace, and does not necessarily endorse such ads/banners and the content within.***
MECHA MANGA BIBLE HEROES #1: DAVID VS. GOLIATH is a "new twist on the Old Testament" coming this Spring, 2008 from JMG Comics. The 32-page, full color comic is filled with action-packed mecha-manga art and adventure-filled tales from the Old Testament, plus bonus back-up features by fan-favorite artist, Dean Rankine! And it's all for just $2.25! The characters, stories and themes remain the same. Only the setting has changed – to a futuristic world of robots, aliens and advanced technology! Be sure to reserve your copy today!
Why the title?
1.) It's filled with MECHA (armor-clad robots)!
2.) It's drawn in an action-packed MANGA style!
3.) It stars HEROES from the BIBLE!
4.) The catchy name MECHA MANGA BIBLE HEROES has four words and eight syllables - just like TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES and MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS!
Meet our creative team:
SCRIPTS: Tom Hall (King, Robot 13) and Joey Endres (Megazeen)
PENCILS & INKS: Thom "Kneon Tranistt" Pratt (Disney)
COLORS & LETTERS: Daniel Bradford (King, Robot 13)
COVER PAINTER: All our covers are beauitfully painted by soon-to-be-fan-fave Jeff Slemons! Jeff has done wonderful work for advertising and comics - check out more of his amazing work at
MANAGING EDITOR: Veteran comics writer and editor Paul Castiglia (Archie, DC, Dark Horse, Antarctic Pres, Cracked Magazine, etc.)
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: John-Marc Grob (Marvel, owner-producer of FriendFish and various animation projects)
There are 3 ways to buy MECHA MANGA BIBLE HEROES.
First off, JMG Comics encourages you to purchase MECHA MANGA BIBLE HEROES from your favorite and/or local retail store.
1.) To buy a copy from a Christian bookstore, please ask the owner or manager to order you a copy from ANCHOR DISTRIBUTORS. Your Christian bookstore can reach Anchor by phone toll free at 1-800-444-4484 and on the internet at
2.) To buy a copy from a comic shop, please ask the owner or manager to order you a copy from HAVEN DISTRIBUTORS. You comic shop can reach Haven by phone toll free at 1-877-428-3650 and on the internet at
3.) You can also order an individual copy online that will be shipped to you by postal mail. Just go to
In addition to Christian bookstores and comic shops, copies are also available at a wholesale price for LIBRARIES, CHURCHES, YOUTH GROUPS, CAMPS, etc. Just email [email protected] for more information.
If you think this comic book is exciting, check out the real story in the Holy Bible! You’ll find it in the book of 1 Samuel, Chapter 17, verses 1-58.
For more information, check out our website @
For press inquiries, inquiries on licensing/merchandising, movie/TV rights and all other rights and inquiries, please email [email protected]