Welcome one and all to the great Nick Zambrano’s MySpace hood. Pretty dope isn’t it? Anyways, since I got hacked for the second time here I am for the second time to fill this shit out. Lets start out with the basics first, shall we? The name is Nick Zambrano. From the good ol’ UC, Union City. Graduated from James Logan High in 2002. Currently enrolled at Ohlone College. Journalism Major. Employed at the Fremont Home Depot. Now on to the juicier details. I was the Sports Editor of the Ohlone Monitor for 3 semesters. Beloved fan of the Oakland A’s and Raiders. Every song I put on my page has significant meaning to how I am feeling or what I got going on at the moment. My kryptonite is cheesecake and mozzarella sticks. Get me on a football field and I become a completely different man. I have some experience in the directing area. I’ve directed two pilot shows and three one-act plays. My dog is cooler than your dog and will kick your dog’s ass without breaking a sweat. I am not afraid to wear pink. My favorite beer is Miller Lite, buy me a few of those and I’ll be your new temporary best friend. Speaking of best friends, I have two of them. They are Anthony and Mario (1 and 2 on my top thingy-thing.) And together we will stomp the daylights out of any other trifecta who dares to step in our path. Spider-Man is the world’s greatest superhero. Argue that with me and you will end up in a body-bag.
Wanna know more? Get at ya boy-boy. My AIM screen name is NickyZee215. My X-Box Live Gamertag: Boss PacMan