Babygirl Samantha Nicole I truly Love you, im 50%sPanIsH/50%wHiTe, Aim s/n...JchrisRoc.. I sTaY AwAy FrOm DraMa and I dont deal with it at all...I live my life to where Ima get where I want to be no matter what, I go to college in La Plata, Md but Id rather be in the Tropics, through the years Ive learned a lot and have only few true friends, who ill always appreciateI kEep it rEal & thATs a prOmise iMa get rEpriSal bUt aT lEast iM hOnest, dEaliNg wiTh bEtrAyaL thEreS 0ne thinG i lEarNed thOsE poEplE arEe vEry pOwerfuL when yOur bAck iS tuRnedI edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!