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New releases!!!
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This Is The New Yeah! 1st LALALA4E Compilation Album | Topic: The Future
Fcknburritos - New night's party
Henna Dress - Rocochan plays gameboy camera
Cannibal Party - Everybody eats little pieces of poop EP
Unsexy Nerd Ponies - Salvation is here
A Beautiful Lotus - Scene decoder ring
Pepepe - Sabelotodo
We Suck At Parties - Dancestance EP
Past releases
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Desolate. - No country for desolate EP
Kixly - Tape & vinyl, mono & stereo. Exercises and creative ways to use them
Prepare To Meet Thy Broom! - 1989 EP
Orso Verona - Sorry people EP
Unsexy Nerd Ponies - Fer eats beams EP
Spam! - Asfdasdf EP
We Suck At Parties - Bad kisser EP
Error.Error - Dead on a bike EP
Contact and demo submissions: [email protected]
Contacto y demos enviarlos a: [email protected]