The Terrorpens are a group created by the two talented musicians, Profit and Packman. Before The Terrorpens, the group’s name was U.B.G. it consisted of three original members by the names of Swain, Profit, and Packman. After the first mixtape entitled The Warm Up, Swain dismissed himself from the group due to personal complications. Profit and Packman began to perform at different venues and open mics. The two felt as though they could not perform as U.B.G because Swain was no longer apart of the group. So in the mist of trying to find a name, they performed as Profit and Packman. As Profit and Packman went through a list of possible names, one name that Packman choose struck attention, The Terrorpens. The Terrorpens is meant to symbolize Profit and Packman’s home State Maryland (The Maryland Terps). The chosen spelling is to show, as a group, that the two bring a form of fear to any competition.
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