So I've been wondering..... when and where is the time to begin....then I'de have ask myself, "To begin???" What do I need to begin..... Do I have to end something to begin another...???? I PONDER....
My name is Ashlee and sometiems this is all I think I know, I'de like to know more and other times this works for me. I enjoy hearing my friends' point of views and would much rather hang out and listen to the people I care about ramble or rumble with laughter for hours than anything else. I've done everything you can think of weather I've imagined myself doing it OR I really have done it. I am highly accident prone and I laugh about it although somedays it gets really old. The more I laugh the lighter the world seems and if I can embrace laughter into your life I would ask you to join me in mine for laughing IS my favorite thing to do. I greet friends with hugs because you never know who might need one and I smile at everyone just for that same reason. I adore those who can bring me down from MY non-ordinary reality ONLY when it is because it is best for me and not because they can't understand me, you are the ones I treasure and I will do the same for you without wanting you to be somebody your not.... there is a reason I love you in the first place!!!
yours truly,
The uncertain yet certain
You will drink too much gin. Not the worst way to
die, but you won't remember too much of your
life. Hey, at least you made some people laugh!
What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?
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some say i drink too much lol.