FACE THE ABYSS RECORDS - New release available! profile picture

FACE THE ABYSS RECORDS - New release available!

About Me

Português:O Face The Abyss Records é um selo brasileiro que trabalha com diversas vertentes do metal extremo.
Se você gosta de metal extremo, brutal, pesado, criativo, com grandes riffs e arranjos, fique ligado nos nossos lançamentos.
Em Novembro:- Dark Celebration / Sodamned - "The Damned Celebration" - Split-CD - Duas bandas do sul do país juntas neste grandioso álbum. Metal extremo de alta qualidade apresentado em dois momentos distintos de grande inspiração. Embalagem luxuosa, death/black metal sem clichês.
- Austhral - "Tocado a Vento" - Álbum debut destes black metallers. Confira duas mp3s exclusivas em nosso player.
Visite nossa comunidade no Orkut - www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=40549854
Contato: contato@facetheabyss.com (geral) - press@facetheabyss.com (imprensa)
Confira nosso catálogo atualizado aqui .
English:Face The Abyss Records is a brazilian label and distro which works with several genres of extreme metal.
If you like brutal, heavy and creative extreme metal, with great riffs and arrangements, check out our releases.
- Dark Celebration / Sodamned - "The Damned Celebration" - Split-CD - Two bands from the south of Brazil together on this great release: high quality extreme metal presented in two diferent ways of great inspiration. Luxurious pack, Death/Black Metal without cliches.
- Austhral - "Tocado a Vento" - Debut album of these brazilian black metallers. Listen the two exclusive mp3 samples through our mp3 player.
Contact: contato@facetheabyss.com - press@facetheabyss.com (press)

My Interests


Member Since: 16/10/2007
Band Website: http://www.facetheabyss.com
Sounds Like:

First release: "The Damned Celebration" - Slipcase Split-CD with the bands Dark Celebration and Sodamned

Second release: "Tocado a Vento" - Debut album of the black metal band Austhral
Record Label: Face The Abyss Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Reviews / Interviews / Radio Airplay

Reviews of Austhral's "Tocado a Vento" album:- Whiplash! - Link- Feindesland - Link- ThunderGod Zine - Link- Dagheisha - Link- MetalReviews - Link- Live4Metal - - Twilight Magazin - Link- Atmospheric ...
Posted by on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 10:37:00 GMT

Catálogo / Catalog - Outubro/October - 2008

- Catálogo atualizado (Português) - October / 2008 - Link- Updated catalog (English) - October / 2008 - Link
Posted by on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 05:59:00 GMT

Demo Submissions

We are accepting demo material from extreme metal bands and related genres for possible release and distribution.Please include all band and contact info with your package. All material will be review...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 09:51:00 GMT

Catalog [English] - January - 2008

FACE THE ABYSS RECORDS   List 08  01/2008 * Warning: check the bottom of this list before finishing the order, the postage/shipping fees are not included on the prices!   OUR RELEAS...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 09:44:00 GMT

Catalogo [Portuguese] - Janeiro - 2008

FACE THE ABYSS RECORDS   Catálogo 08  01/2008 * Atenção: verificar o final da página antes de finalizar a compra, postagem não incluída nos preços.     NOSSOS LANÇAMENTOS: &nbs...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 09:41:00 GMT