Stephen Colbert (Tribute) profile picture

Stephen Colbert (Tribute)

About Me

According to Wikiality.Com :
The Honorable Professor Dr. Stephen Tyrone "C-Train" Colbert, D.F.A., America's Newsman, Order of the Meritious CoalBear, Greatest Living American, is a news reporter and anchor known for his romantic style, supergravitastic poise, Lincolnish intellect, extreme uber-hotness, and witty delivery. Best known for bringing truthiness to America's heroes through his eponymous The Colbert Report and its lead-in program The Daily Show, Dr. Colbert has fought the battle of hearts, minds and guts over here, so he doesn't have to fight it over there. His hard-hitting approach to infotainment leaves no stone unturned, no guest un-nailed. From the panoramic heights of The Eagle's Nest, Our Glorious Stephen takes on the secular progressives, the liberal media elite, the fat cats in Washington D.C., the people who don't watch his show, and other enemies of freedom.
In addition to his role as America's most trusted source of news, Dr. Colbert is a well-known wordsmith, whose inventions include the award-winning terms wikiality and truthiness. His contributions to the American language are far too great to enumerate here, but the dictionary simply overflows with Colbert-coined words and phrases. Stephen's accomplishments in other fields are as just as great, and just as overflowing. This article barely begins to floweth over the cup of Dr. Colbert's amazing accomplishments in so many kinds of heroic action. How does he do it all, America must often wonder. The answer seems clear: Giant Brass Balls.
Stephen Colbert is not the only true American Citizen who cares for America - just the Greatest Living American you can watch on TV. That is, if you're heroic enough to watch.
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