The noise side....White Noise is Itay Eliya From Israel. Itay was born in Tel Aviv and move to arad (south Israel) at the age 3. At the age of 13 itay started mixing and play in partys, and open his own company. At the age of 17 Itay started to produce music with a big help by "Mahamudra", "Bizzare Contact", "Electro Sun", "Phanatic" and "System Niple". Also many people halp and work with him on the way: "ghotica,unique, full crash, psy craft, sub 6, panick, astrix, yogev balulu, rubi liani, ziv idel, rush, dudu cohen, analayzer, dj bog, kio-log (tactic rec), delirious, blackout, all skykey crew" and many more. sorry if im forgetting someone. His first release was a remix to "Electro Sun" for a trk called "Faded Memories". His second release was in "Skykey Records" with a project called "Heaven Can Wait". This days Itay work on his debut album soon he will release a single. White Noise style got smashing basses with killer sounds that build the all story. His music combine a lot instruments such at violen, piano, guitar and many more with massive rhythm and many surprises.The Unique side....Shlomi Maatuk was Born In 17/01/84 He Is The Name Behaind The Project Called "Unique" . His Fondness To Electronic Music Started Long Time Ago When He Was Listening To Music Such as "Pink Floyd" Since At The Young Age of 12 Shlomi Discoverd The Trance Music From The Goa Trance And Got Deep Into This World. At The Age of 19 Shlomi Started To Produce Music And Got Involved Deeper Into the Production World With Major Help by "Mahamudra" Project At The Age of 21 Sholmi Decided To Make Full On Project With His Freind Gadi (FullCrash) And They Called It "Blanco Paso" They Start Work Together, Made Few Tracks And Play In Some Clubs & Nature Partys . One Year Later They Decided To split and go solo. Shlomi Started To Work Under The Name "Unique" And Realesed Some Tracks & Made Some Good Collorbration With Artists Such as "Mahamudra" , "Rewind Evoultion" , And "FullCrash" . At the moment Shlomi is Signed In "Tactic Records" label. Shlomi's Music is Expressed by His Deep Melodies That Involved In A Lot of Feelings With Electro Kik Bass That Make Evrybody Jump!together they started to a new project named Unique Noise!
combined the two styles in one great project!!hope you will enjoy itconnect us for booking.
MSN messenger:
[email protected] - Unique shlomi
[email protected] - white noise itay