sian profile picture


About Me

the most important thing to know (well one of them anyway).... i HATE animals!!!!! but i am still a nice person. I have just got into east anglia uni to do history of art and am bloody happy about it! All to look forward to now before uni is spain with the girls which should be amazing! bring on the sun!!!!.......and the skin cancer.........(only joking)!!!!!!!

My Interests

love to draw used to kickbox, swim, athletics, gymnastics, flute, piano but i quit them all!!!!

I'd like to meet:

interesting people who have stuff to talk about


lots of different stuff that all sounds the same!!! kaiser chiefs, snow patrol, chilli peppers, ash, franz f, killers


notting hill the rock naked gun


all the crappy soaps friends men behaving badly the office coupling scrubs the apprentice general comedies oh and costume dramas


lots of stuff but not scary things. Exciting, adventurous basically the famous five!!!!


gem because she made me........