Jena 6 |
I have no compassion for these guys. They deserve to be treated as adults if I was the DA there would be more charges. The kids that hung the nooses were suspended that should have been the end of the... Posted by on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 22:18:00 GMT |
Theories by Dave |
Reincarnationwhen you die and your body rots, you feed the flower. Now you're in the flower, then the cow comes and eats you. Now you're in the cow, this is where the tree can split. You can either go... Posted by on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 22:05:00 GMT |
Theories by Dave |
Have you been having sex and get a cramp in your toe? you start moaning and ooohing and aaahing, your partner thinks they're really doing something good for you when in reality you have a cramp in you... Posted by on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 17:50:00 GMT |
Gun Laws |
OK this will probably upset both sides of the debate, but I'll lay it down straight. I'm Pro guns, I was raised with and enjoy target shooting, 22s are my favourite and I shoot open site pistols at 10... Posted by on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 13:14:00 GMT |
Theories by Dave |
Once a woman hits about the age of 23 they get a thought, then they are nothing but trouble Posted by on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 20:30:00 GMT |
Theories by Dave |
Theories by Dave.These are my opinions as the new discoveries and world changes my opinions can change. If you don't like it wait long enough and it may change. Posted by on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 16:42:00 GMT |