dreaming, brown eyes, breakfast noises, japanese stationary, accordion music, the rare urge to write something spontaneously, photography of bizarre landscapes, videos of baby animals(!), reading the whimsical blurbs on toiletry labels, driving alone in LA at night, knitting, Anna Casey's mouth, speaking Italian, Lovingly drawing lady faces with black ink ball-point pens (some things never change), distasteful honesty.
Es una salsa, muy salsa :D
Cinema Paradisio, Annie Hall, The Piano, Battle Royale, Joy Luck Club, Being John Malkovich, La Vita 'e Bella, Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, Jaws 1&2, The Princess Bride, Fantasia, Young Frankenstein
I Fucking ♥ Television!!!#%*&$#
Mystery Science Theater 3000, Planet Earth, Futurama, Six Feet Under, Mythbusters, Good Eats, The Girls Next Door, Project Runway, Whose Line is it Anyway?, Sailor Moon, My So-Called Life, Rocko's Modern Life
The Office
The Stranger, Sophie's World, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Joy Luck Club, Lamb, 1984, Lord of the Flies, The Chronicles of Narnia, Fahrienhiet 451, Some plays and comic books too: The Glass Menagerie, Strangers in Paradise, Mars, Hot Gimmick, The Sandman comics, Stardust
audrey as amelie
definitely blonde redhead