:::amar sin ser amada::: sorry, i know this is right on top of my song, but this is the only way i can stream it, in order to listen at work. does it worry you that i listen to all these jawns while i'm valuing m & a?! (oh allah. now i'm really starting to miss the d. the real d. not the semi-shiny one people visit on the weekends. remember lush on wed? or the corner in st. andrews on fri, in mid-90's? cafe mahogany? alvin's on wed? or even godforsaken cotillion club on sun? fukkin cactus club on sat? the buddha and northern lites on tues? even bookies? i may have complained at the time, but you know NOW i miss them shits. those who know KNOW. and they never knew that they were 'kind of a big deal.' i miss it)
george galloway for never wavering, noam chomsky for being so logical (highly underrated), T.I. just 'cuz of his swagger, jack welch for being a genius, steve jobs for fooling all of america into feverishly buying ALL his failures in the form of his successes, henry ford for changing the world so much in so little time, ann coulter is off the chain, misa hylton-brim for being the baddest blasian- WALA she kills kimora lee, and dah-dee yankee. mark twain and eudora welty for telling it like it is.
fucking rap, straight up shoot-em-up-bitches-and-hoes rap, yeah i said it-pref'ly old too short and cube; bachata, merengue, salsa, vals y rrrreggaeton; and i'm still waiting for new jack swing to resurrect itself-whaddup guy; and when music makes me earl like a mutha, which is quite often as of late, well then: Wendy Williams and NPR-i still don't get what iPod ppl do w/out NPR, til the iPodFM comes out
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singles (i was nowhere near your neighborhood), prime (you'd be in brooklyn, sam. you'd be in brooklyn), cable guy (let's see what you got, white shadow) , out of sight (the sign says 'shut the fuck up' or can't you read?!) , coming to america (dat boy sound goo-ood. uh.huh.good and terrible ) , FYOV (forty-year-old-berrr-geeen, as filipineers would say) (do you ever notice how... like, in a relationship... one person's always like "blah blah blah blah" and the other person's like "what are you talkin about?" and one person's like "blah blah blalablah..." ) , in her shoes (and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart. i carry your heart, i carry it in my heart.) , goodfellas (as far back as i can remember i always wanted to be a gangster) , waiting for guffman (libby mae: i'd like to maybe meet some guys, some Italian guys, you know... watch TV and stuff.) , one fine day (i just want to find a fish who isn't afraid of my dark chocolate layer... and of course she'd have to love my cookie too) , belly (i might have to drop 'em... might have to drop a dime on them niggas know-what-i'm-sayin'? i don't like that shit... i don't like that shit" ) and a bronx tale (it was great to be catholic and go to confession. you could start over every week.) , and hitch was nice, too
all NFL, NCAA hoops and some NBA, the sopranos is my life story, the first 48, CSPAN books to see how the enemy thinks, L & O SVU.unfortunately in my unemployededness i just got hooked on entourage, the wire, nip/tuck, and flavor of love. fucking terrific. but to complement my bloomberg and jim kramer.
norton's anthology of african american literature, random family, death at an early age, savage inequalities, i know this much is true, come hell or high water: hurricane katrina and the color of disaster, naked and the elf stories that sedaris wrote is sweet too (thx amanda), a. walker's advancing luna and ida b. wells and gaines' the sky is gray are the best short stories ever.
anyone who has the balls to venture outside of their socioeconomic class. think about it...