crispy spears profile picture

crispy spears

call me deacon blues

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

stella, blue, my sisters, music, soundwaves, light, love, laughter, friends, voices, words, fire, whiskey, buttons, knobs, tiny little LEDs, vacuum tubes, analog tape, sharpies, powerbooks, A minor, C, F, and G, rope swings, cafe du monde, creme brulee, fricassee, ludens, moonpies & RC, juicy fruit, sloppy joes, chuck crown's 2am munchie snacks with special sauce

I'd like to meet:

a baby mulvihill, and a baby crown, dorothy parker and the makers of cazadores tequila.


Masonic Youth, Fugazi Osbourne, Nuice Jewton, Van Jarman


ken burns, errol morris, crush groove, raising arizona, down by law, being there, lost highway, delerious, a very long engagement, bleu, straight no chaser, lost in translation, fog of war, dolemite, petey wheatstraw the devil's son-in-law, any akira kurosawa, ingmar bergman


marquee moon


haruki murakami, I Caudius, penguin rhyming dictionary, milan kundura, diane ackerman, diane arbus, tom robbins, pablo neruda, rimbaud, rilke, joseph campbell, edna st. vincent millay


Aung San Suu Kyi

My Blog

i heard dinner went well

i heard dinner went well... you liked chris' jacket he reminded you of johnny before he went electronic
Posted by crispy spears on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 09:59:00 PST

what we talk about when we talk about love

find your own way, follow someone elses, but for fucks sake whatever you do find a way. the thing of it is that it is soft and a bit abstract and really about love in the end but that is the hardest ...
Posted by crispy spears on Mon, 26 Sep 2005 01:41:00 PST

loct control again today

Icicles on my spine my boots feel empty I see the world around me through the corners of my eyes White girls lied to me no great surprise at all when I think of what you mean to me I shake and ...
Posted by crispy spears on Fri, 16 Sep 2005 06:21:00 PST