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Not Just Boobs

I am here for Friends

About Me

You Are a Martini
There's no other way to say it: you're a total lush.
You hold your liquor well, and you hold a lot of it! Extra Extra Dirty Please! What Mixed Drink Are You?

My Blog


I've Been Tagged....The rules are, once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird things/habits about yourself. In the end you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their n...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 15:43:00 GMT

I'm Lucky I Have Friends!

So, every car I ever owned has been a total piece of shit.  The most recent one (Buick Century "Shaggin Wagon"),  that I've only had two weeks totally crapped out on me last night.  OK ...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 11:37:00 GMT

Scott Frost Killed Jesus!!!!! But he saved Thanksgiving!

I was on my way to my cousin's house for Thanksgiving dinner, driving in the far left lane on 95 south doing about 75.  Suddenly my speed started to decrease.  I had my foot to the floor and...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Nov 2005 20:38:00 GMT

Peluzzo's Words of Wisdom

Rule #1:  When you go to a party and you don't know the person thats throwing the party,  DO NOT have sex in their pool.  I repeat DO NOT HAVE SEX IN THE POOL!!!!  You may end up w...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 09:00:00 GMT

What the fuck?

So, did you ever have a day when you knew from the second you open your eyes that everyone was gonna suck real bad. You try to make the best of it, but no matter what happens you just wanna choke the ...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Oct 2005 20:57:00 GMT

Its Late Nite With Boobie Metal Tits!

Yo punk ass bitches!  Just wanted to say thanks for commin out last friday to whoever it was that came over durring the corce of the evening.  I, however, was sloshed before any of you mothe...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Sep 2005 00:47:00 GMT