- This is the official Nachtreich myspace website. In 2003 the band was founded by P.H. and U.K. with the purpose to create music which is kind of a self-fulfilment for us. Since than, some dissatifing demos saw the day of light, accompanied by many unreleased but recorded songs, while we now can proudly present the first "more official" Nachtreich release entiltled "Sturmgang".
Currently we're working very hard for the next creation, entitled "Trugbilder" (Illusions) - and at the moment it seems possible, that this one will already be perfected in summer/fall. That much beforehand: We're planing an outstanding artwork and package design, as well as music beyond your expectation. This time - as an exception - there will be only neoclassical songs featured. So be curious about it!
This is just a page for general information, but we're planning to unregulary upload songs (especially solo pieces) to download. For further information, please visit the page of our record company, or feel free to ask.
At the moment, we are planning to play a very small kind of an acoustical concert, at this Sunday (14.6.09) in Munich.We can only invite a small amount of people, because the concert room is an privat library and is not suitable for concerts and a big audience. We'll play around 45 minutes. So, if you want to come, send us a mail to:
[email protected]
You'll get further informations then.
-next: "Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer Compilation".
We recorded an exclusive song (titled "In Gedanken") for a compilation, which is called "Der Wanderer über dem Nebelmeer (V.A. Compilation)". For further informations please visit the following myspace-page:
- Eerie Art Records Compilation
- New Album:"Trugbilder"
Click here:
"Sturmgang" trailer
We are proud to announce that “Sturmgang†is released now.
Currently you can buy it at:
Seelenkrieg Myspace (Ger)
Seelenkrieg (Ger) (available)
Karge Welten Kunstverlag (Ger) (available)
Blackscaped (Ger) (available)
Genickschuss Eucharistie (Ger) (available)
Cold Void Emanations (No) (out of stock)
Miasma (Jap) (available)
Thank you to all, who support us!
You can buy our other demos at:
Seelenkrieg Records
Ashen Productions