Raising my daughter and everything in her best interest, playing card games, dancing, shopping, and getting the most out of life,spending time with my friends and loved ones and just being ME. Making my time here a memorable one
Id' like to meet real genuine people that are in touch with life in general and themselves as a whole.
Everything and yes even classical helps me think on a sane level.
I enjoy movies that leave you feeling like you became a part of them. Even the ones that make you think what if. TRUE love stories. Notebook awesome!
OK, I have to admit that I really enjoy the I Love Lucy Show have since I was little. Have a nice collection of her work she always seems to make me laugh no matter what mood I'm in and its great. This is also a I memory of me growing up with my grandma that I will never let die.
So reading has never really been one of my favorite things to do, but if I do read I generally like for it to be interesting to my mind keep me interested and have a point truth or even a real life experience. "A BOY CALLED IT" Dave Pelzer I have read the first three very good but sad story.
A hero to me is a roll model someone to look up to and remember for all time sake someone who is strong, confident and loyal to their beliefs. So with that being said my hero is my late grandmother I love her deeply and will remember you always RIP g-ma C.