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You Are Oscar the Grouch
Grumpy and grouchy, you aren't just pessimistic. You revel in your pessimism.
You are usually feeling: Unhappy. Unless it's rainy outside, and even then you know the foul weather won't last.
You are famous for: Being mean yet loveable. And you hate the loveable part.
How you life your life: As a slob. But it's not repelling as many people as you'd like!
The Sesame Street Personality Quiz
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i cant wait until i met my pops again in heaven! in peace and dont have to worry about anything! Dad I miss you!
i listen to a lil of everything. mostly rap, hip-hop, r&b,and i also like oldies
I lIkE dIrTy DaNcing, LoVe&BaSkEtBaLl, BlOoD iN bLoOd Out, AmErIcAn HiStOrY X, AmErIcAn Me, ScArFaCe... and things a long that sort
dave chaplle show, the simmpsons, family guy are koo shows with me
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My HeRo Is GoD....MY DAD WHO IS NOW MY ANGEL WATCHING ME FROM ABOVE...bUt My BroThErS i GoT mAd LoVe FoR yOu GuYs...KeEp Yo HeAd Up ThInGs ArE gOiNg To GeT BeTtEr...BiG bRO dAnK tHaT gOeS To YoU ToO
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