Survey about you!
Basic Info:
Name:: Erika
Birthdate:: Feb 11th 1985
Location:: Devils Lake ND
Eyecolor:: Blue
Haricolor:: Brown and blonde
Height?: 5'9 1/2
What's your...
Zodiac Sign:: Aquaris
Favorite Color:: Black , Red, blue and white
Favorite Number:: 1
Favorite Letter:: A
Favorite School Subject:: done with school
Favorite Food:: Pizza
Favorite Drink:: Mountain Dew
Favorite Store:: Walmart
Favorite Animal:: Kittens
Favorite Candy:: Milky Way
Most Missed Memory::
Best Physical Feature:: Eyes
Longest Relationship:: 6 months
Most Overused Phrase:: Fuck off
Thoughts When First Waking Up:: Going back to bed
Weakness:: Being around boys
Have You:
Dyed Your Hair:: Yes
Been In Love:: Yes
Been Pushed In A Pool In Clothes:: No
Had Your Heart Broken:: Yes
Drank:: yeah once
Smoked:: Yes
Done The Splits:: No
This or That?
McDonals or Wendys:: Neither
Taco Bell or Burger King:: Burger King
KFC or Magic Wok:: Kfc
Pepsi or Coke:: Pepsi
Mountain Dew or Sprite:: Mountain Dew
Single Or Relationship:: Single
Straight or Gay:: Straight
Clothes:: Jeans, Black Teeshirt that says babygirl
Shoes:: None
Make-Up:: None
Hair Do:: Straight
Weather:: COLD
In a Guy/Girl:
Best Eyecolor:: Blue Or Brown
Short or Long Hair:: Short or down to ear
Light or Dark Hair:: both
Height:: 5'8 - 6'1
Muscular or Skinny:: Both
Do You Believe in God:: yes
How do You Want to Die:: In my sleep
Do You Like Thunderstorms:: Yes
Do You Want to go to College:: No
Do You Want to Get Married:: idk
Do You Sing:: No
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~~The wonderful survey~~
about you:
whole name?: Erika
age?: 22
single?: yes
If not then whats their name?:
Are you in school?: No
If so what grade?:
What is your favorite holiday?: Valentines Day
What is your favorite sport?: Football
What is your favorite beverage?: Mountain Dew
What is your favorite food?: Pizza
What is your favorite song?: Linkin Park- bleed it out
What is your favorite movie?: Disturbia
What is your favorite band?: Linkin park
What is your favorite subject in school?:
What is your favorite hobby?: Talk on my cell
What is your favorite video game?: I dont have a favorite
What is your favorite baseball team?: Minnisota twins
What is your favorite football team?: Minnsota Vikings
What is your favorite type of party?: Pizza Party
What college do you want to go to?: None
Would you ever:
Would you ever flirt with your best friends boyfriend?: No
Would you ever throw a party without permission?: maybe
Would you ever drink and drive?: no
Would you ever say sorry for no reason?: no
Would you ever tell someone you love them when you really don't?: no
Would you ever turn emo or gothic?: no
Would you ever turn your back on your friends?: no
Would you ever lie and not mean to?: already have done that
Would you ever make fun of someone just to be cool?: no
Do you like someone but they don't know you like them?: yep
Does someone like you and you like them?: idk
Would you do something without thinking it out first?: uh huh
Would you wear your pajamas to school just for fun?: no
Do you get presents for all of your friends on holidays?: no
Would you be nice to a new kid in your school?: yes but i dont go to school
Do you have enough guts to ask a person out?: yes
Are you on a team of any kind?: no
Do you like scary movies?: yes
Do you like romantic movies?: yes
Do you like comedys?: yes
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[The Ultimate!] What I Like in a Guy Survey
Hair color:: brown or blonde
Hair Length:: short or down to ears
Hair Style:: straight
Eye color:: blue or brown or green
Height:: 5'9 to 6'1
Body Type:: Skinny, But not showing bones, muscluar, Average
Any specific muscular body parts?: Arms
Type of Style:: uhhh regluar
Makeup?: no
Features that stand out to you:: eyes, smile
Habits (Would you date someone who...)
Smokes?: sure
Drinks?: sure
Does Drugs?: no
Is failing school?: no
Dropped out ofschool?: dont care
Is a virgin?: doesnt matter
Isn't a virgin?: doesnt matter
Has a reputation of being a cheater?: NO
Has been arrested?: No
Fights a lot?: NO
Wears girl pants?: No
Has never been kissed?: Doesnt matter
Activities (Would you like someone who...)
Plays a sport?: sure
Skateboards?: i guess
Can drive?: yes
Is in a band?: No
Plays guitar?: Sure
Plays drums?: sure
Plays bass?: No
Sings?: no
Reads a lot?: Doesnt matter
Loves music?: Yes
Can actually cook?: Yes
Has a job?: Yes
Hangs out with his friends a lot?: No
Works out?: Doesnt matter
Do you like guys that are funny or serious?: Both
Tough or sensitive?: Both
Outgoing or shy?: Both
Mainstream or Different?: Diffrent
Nice or somewhat cold?: Nice
Makes the first move or lets you?: Lets me
Really smart or not so smart?: smart
Is all over you or gives you space?: Both
Do you like them independent?: Doesnt matter
How about caring towards little kids, animals, etc.?: sure
Obsessed with sex?: No
Says dirty things or sweet things?: Sweet things
Makes you his first priority?: yes
Has lots of friends or a few friends?: Few
Is honest or says what you want to hear?: Honest
Calls you a lot?: Yes
Does nice things for you?: Yes
Cooks for you?: yes but not all the time
Writes songs for you?: Sure
Is very romantic?: Yes
Swears a lot?: doent matter
Likes to cuddle?: yes
Likes to hold hands?: Yes
Likes to kiss in public?: Yes
Takes it slow or takes it fast?: Takes it slow
Would you want your guy to be religious?: Yes
To have a good/strong relationship with his family?: yes
To believe in waiting until marriage to have sex?: doesnt matter
To have good morals?: yes
To have an interest in politics?: No
Democrat or Republican?: Dont care
Pro-life or Pro-Choice?: Pro choice
To want/have an education?: it diont bug me
To go to college?: Doesnt matter
Would you mind if he watched porn?: no
If he flirted with other girls?: No
If he forgot to call you back?: its okay
If he blew you off for his friends?: No
If he was a satanist?: No
If he was obsessed with the bible?: idc
He joined the army?: no
Cute Stuff
Would you want him to call you before you went to bed?: yes
Would you want him to write you songs/poems?: sure
Would you want him to spend a lot of money on you?: well im not the type of person that uses guys as for just money
Would you want him to take you out to nice places?: sure
Would he always pay on the date?: Not always
Would he always call you first?: sure
Would he buy you flowers and candy?: up to him
Would you want to go on fancy or casual dates?: Fancy
Would you want to just cuddle together on the couch?: sure
Would you want him to turn down his friends to spend time with you?: yes sometimes
Would you want him to compliment you a lot?: sure
Sing to you over the phone or computer?: lol if he wants too
Tell you you're beautiful?: yes
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