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I am here for Friends

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

John Mayer, Dave Matthews, and Eric Clapton are the guitar gods... I'd give anything to get a chance to just talk to these guys, let alone actually play with them.


John Mayer, Taking Back Sunday, Dave Matthews Band, Eric Clapton, Cream, The Yardbirds, Guns n' Roses, Jimmy Eat World (obviously... duh), Daphne Loves Derby, Bright Eyes, Dashboard Confessional, Further Seems Forever, Thursday, Finch, The Used, Senses Fail (sometimes), Acoustic Alchemy, almost any kind of smooth jazz you can throw at me - Kenny G, Norah Jones, Michael Lington, etc..., The Postal Service, Madelyn, Jason Mraz, Something Corporate, Sherwood, Led Zeppelin, The All-American Rejects, Saves the Day, The Starting Line, Radiohead, Sarah McLachlan, and I'm sure I could keep going on and on... Music is what I live for after all... These are in no particular order by the way :)


The greatest movie of all time is unequivocally Braveheart. Coming in second would have to be The Boondock Saints, with Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves coming at a close third.


Dawson's Creek is by far my favorite mainstream television show, no matter how much I cringe when I say that. I'm a straight guy... I shouldn't be able to willingly admit things like that... oh well, the truth's a bitch I suppose. Another fantastic show that I grew up on was Swamp Thing from the old school FX channel. That show was the coolest... come on, an entire show devoted to a huge ugly guy with vines that come out of his hands, and lives in a swamp... what could be better right???


This is a tough one. I really don't read that much outside of class, and the temptation to put down the Acoustic Guitar magazine as my number one favorite book is almost overwhelming. But, since it's not really a book I'm gonna have to go with Terry Goodkind's epic The Sword of Truth. All around fantastic books with incredibly developed characters and a real sense of emotional attachment.


As mentioned before, I idolize John Mayer, Dave Matthews, and Eric Clapton like they are God Himself. These guys are the biggest influence on me musically, and since music is such a drastic part of my life, it's only fair that I put them here. On a more down to earth level, my everyday heroes would have to be my friends and family. As cliche and third grade as it sounds, they really are the ones that make life worth living. Without them life would suck... plain and simple.