Winston Smith [new song] profile picture

Winston Smith [new song]

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorPORTUGUÊS:---------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Winston Smith é uma banda crust do Porto formada em 2007. A concepção inicial foi criada por membros que tocam ou tocaram em Distrofia (Grindcore F.D.P.), Pátria Que Pariu (Anarco-Punk) e alguns dos seus amigos mais chegados. Tocamos crust com alguns toques de hardcore, d-beat e grindcore. Na verdade nós estamos concebendo o nosso perfil. Todavia, propomos um som rápido, pesado e trabalhado (tanto quanto possível), um veículo explosivo para temas políticos abordados construtivamente. Estejam atentos.------------------- ENGLISH:---------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Winston Smith is a crust band from Porto formed in October 2007. The initial conception was created by members that play or played in Distrofia (Grindcore), Pátria Que Pariu (Anarcho-Punk) and some of their more closed friends. We play crust with some hardcore, d-beat and grind influences. . Actually we are conceiving our profile. Anyway we propose a fast, heavy and technical (as much as possible) sound as an explosive vehicle for political themes. approaching them constructively.--------------------- CESKá REPUBLIKA:-------------------------------------------------- ---- Winston Smith je kùrová skupina od Porto tvoøeného v øíjnu z 2007. poèáteèní pojetí bylo vytvoøené èleny, kteøí hrají nebo hrané v Distrofia (Grindcore), Pátria Que Pariu (Anarcho-Punk) a èást jejich uzavøenìj--ích pøátel. My hrajeme kùru s nìkterými hardcore, d-beat a grind vlivy. t. Vlastnì my chápeme ná-- profil. Stejnì my navrhujeme rychlý, tì--ký a technický (jak hodnì jako mo--ný) zvuk jako výbu--ný prostøedek pro politická témata, kteøí blí--í se k nim konstruktivnì.

My Interests


Member Since: 14/10/2007
Band Members: Kate(vocals) Ranhoca Muttante(vocals) Juliano(guitars) Marroko(bass) Tozé(drums)
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Degradagem recs
Type of Label: Indie

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