Well i cant tell you what im intrested in because i dont really know much my self, i love history so if your a fan too, i love to talk about it.
I'd like to meet just about anyone who wants to say hi. Im very outgoing and welcoming of different people. In particular, those from other countries, i love to talk to people who can tell me about their country, I do plan on traveling one day, and i want to be prepared for when i do.
Lets see here, I like all different music, cant name them because i dont know there names i listen to the radio and like what i hear, I love ELTON JOHN i dont know why i just do. Anywho. OH the one PERSON i do not like, is snoop dog, for some reason unbeknown to me he offends me. Anyone else feel the same?
Ahhh to the movies we go, i like just about anything chick, horror, action, mystery. Even all those cheesy movies most fav movies is Rocky Horror Picture Show, (Its all my dads fault).. I like to go see movies, even by my self, maybe thats because i can order however much food at the stands that i want and not have my friends take it, I dont like sharing food, (By the By im not fat, only 120lb.) Anywho thats all now.
Well i do watch Grays Anatomy religiously, its intresting no matter what Joey says.lol I also like to watch CSI: Vegas, and im defanitly not in to all that reality T.V. crap its just bogus. Oh and ive discovered Heros@! thats a awsome show.!
I love Anne Rice, and Of course the Harry Potter series, i like books about time travel and i love historical books.
Ive many heros,........