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/-/y$3R _*Ya Digg?*_

The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether

About Me

C o m m e n t s h e r e ! !
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My name is Lauren Hyser.
I have BLUE eyes and curly brown hair with a little blonde in it. I am about 5'7. I am very athletic because sports = LIFE!! I ♥ BASKETBALL! I am also in XC and Track. I pole vault in track, which is freakin amazing. You have to be pretty insane to pole vault, but that totally fits me. I have 2 older sisters that are married off lol, so I am the last one living at home and waiting to be married off. I love Stefanie Dassie to death, cuz she always brightens my day and makes me super duper uber happy :)
Hmmm A Little about me. . . ♥I LOVE KORI ♥I love to dance in the rain. Watch storms. Run in the rain. Pig out on food. Bake sweets. Work out. I love my friends, not just friends but the friends you can come to anything about and trust them to share your secrets with, act crazy with and not worry about what they are going to think, know that no matter what happens you will be friends forever, and have fun with them when all you do is sit and talk. i HATE people who stereotype the world, cuz i dont think it matters and nobody else should either. I am very close with my family. We all take really good care of eachother. I hate when girls dont eat something because they think they will get FAT i mean cmon please! I dont know if I have been in ♥ LOVE ♥ But lately I think it is very possible. I love late night talks that last forever. I love late night ab work outs && dance parties cuz that never gets old. I hate drinking or doing drugs. I have never done that and never will, cuz it is pointless. I love ding dong ditching and diving into bushes to hide from the cops. I love riding my 4-wheeler to the river to go "swimming" with mah gurls. I love late nights of total chaos including flaming laffy taffy && marshmellos followed by catching on fire and running around the neighborhood. I love memmories that you will never forget because you can never have them back again, even if you tried. I hate missing something that was so special to you, and missing it because you messed it up. I hate wanting to change the past. I love cooking smore's on the stove. I love laughing to much. I love hippos. I love trying to hard. I love giving too much and being too nice. I hate when people dont admit to their mistakes. I hate when people gossip. I hate when girls are just girls. I love to sing like nobody cares. I love when you hit the open shot in basketball. I love knowing you are backed up by people you love. I love when people be themselves. I love finishing a race and knowing you put everything you had into it. I love sledding in the winter then coming in for hot chocolate, and being with ure bestest budz. I love making cra-Z videos with my friends on random days so that i can never forget the happiest days of my life, that i shared with the people that make me the happiest. Good times with that camera of mine. . . I love all of you who have participated in any of my cra-Z movies :) I love listening to techno and jamming out like nobody is watching or listening. I love hugging the only person in the world that can make you happy , and knowing they feel the same way about you . . . .

I go to Belvidere High School and I am a Sophomore. High School has taught me alot this year about life, and how to go about it.When it comes to boys and having a true relationship with them . . .
That was very hard for me to accept the first time but after you get over it Life moves along with you. The best advice I could give to anyone about life is that you gotta live it up because . . .
Life just goes by so much easier that way, really just dive in :)

And the best advice I could give anyone about guys lol . . .
As for mistakes in life and how to deal with them . . .
Every single thing that happens in your life is something to be remembered and cherrished no matter what it is, or how bad you think it really is because . . .
Now as for all of you girls out there that aren't giving into the crowd and are trying to live your own life and be your own person. More POWER to you, because you just can't be fake in life it doesnt work well that way. Have your own style and be proud of it. Even when the odds are against and you feel so alone, reach deep down and realaize that you aren't alone at all. . .
I have also realized that girls can be fake and hurt you, even when you think that they are your best friend and will never hurt you it happens but you just need to forgive them, cuz being mad at them doesnt fix anything. But here is a way to find your true friends. . .
After all of this DRAMA everyone always thinks the same thing . . .
But It SUCKS doesnt it because everyone knows that Life is like a pen you can cross things out but you can NEVER erase them . . .
Myspace Layouts and SO much more from WhateverLife.com! ♥
whateverlife.com TO YOU!! so you're basically the girl's life. she thinks about you all the time. you're always the first one she notices.in a room full of guys. you're the one that keeps her up at night.yeah, she's pretty much head over heels for you. 3 and heartbreak doesn`t even begin to explain how she felt the moment he said, " i like somebody else.." Maybe he's starting to see the real girl. The one behind an ambitious, quiet & self-concious girl. The one who loves her friends more than life itself & laughs about pretty much everything, just because she can && that's what she thinks life is all about; having the time of your life. 33 at some point, you have to make a decision. boundaries don't keep other people out. they fence you in. life is messy. that's how we're made. so, you can waste your lives drawing lines. or you can live your life crossing them. Because you're amazing & you don't know it.. because you're smart & you don't believe it ; you're the kind of girl that guys don't get over.. & you're the kind of girl other girls get compared to.

My Interests

I just have ONE Question . . .
Just for YOU . . .

I'd like to meet:

Who wouldn't LOVE to have this:)♥
♥ ♥ ♥

Who has NEVER had this question to ask!

~*! In Case you were wondering . . . When I bump into your arm while walking I want you to hold my hand.When I want a hug I will just stand there.When u break my heart, I will still feel it when we run into each other 3 years later.When I am quiet, millions of things are running through my mind.When I stop arguing, I am thinking deeply.

When I look at you with eyes full of questions, I am wondering how long you will be around.When I answer, "I'm fine", after a few seconds, I am not at all fine.When I stare at you, I am wondering why you are so wonderful.When I lay my head on your chest, I am wishing for you to be mine forever.When I say that I can't live without you, I have made up my mind that you are my future.When I say, "I miss you, " no one in this world can miss you more than thatWhen I am mean to you after a breakup I want you back, but I am scared I will get hurt and I know you're gone forever. . . .


Life is full of obstacles you just need to learn how to use them, because they are there for a reason . . .


Sometimes you just need to laugh harder then ever B4. . . Smile bigger then you have ever known. . . Love deeper then you ever thought possible. . . And be crazier then anyone would like you 2 BE


You Gotta DANCE in the rain . . .



♥ ♥ when you can't stop a certain feeling from coming back, you have to stop and think that maybe it's real. maybe it's supposed to be there. maybe you aren't supposed to keep denying it.♥ ♥ If someone wants to be part of your life, they'll make an effort to be in it.





MCKAylA*{aka}mt.physco path

My hero's includeMichael Jordan, Meagan Re, Kim Voiles, Kim Boisvert, Jesus, Steve Prefontaine, John Wooden, Sergia Bubka, Coach Hoffman, Coach Frailey, My Dad, Brittany Koteles, Amber Hicks, Trevor Beardsley, Barbi Yunk, and Coach Yunk. Those people are all my heroes because each of them have certain qualities that i wish i could have and i respect them for that. But most importantly my #1 Hero is KORISSA STEGER. . . She has taught more things than i could even begin to explain to you. She is such a strong person and has been thru so many things. She never stops giving and is never self-centered. I admire every quality she possesses and everyday i thank her for being in my life. I love you Korissa, I am ever grateful for our friendship. :) MY HERO