Shopping and spending time with all my friends
NELLY and fine ass T.I. who will both be my baby daddy's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But really I just want 2 meet nice people and chat with old friends. I wouldn't mind meeting Nelly or T.I though.
I like Scary and Funny movies
I watch Law and order and lots of cartoons (spongeBob is the best)
Da 411 On Me...
Name Sarah
Gender Female
Location Oakland
Hometown Berkeley
Birthplace Oakland
DOB 12/23
How many Siblings? 2 many 2 count
Nationality/Ethnicity Jewish and Jamaicain
Height 5'3
Weight 130
Eye Color Light Brown
Hair Color All mixed up
Hair Style Changes
Dimples? Yes big ones
Widows Peak? No
Clothes Style All kinds
Perfume/Colognes U wear Mac,Abercrombie......
Your best physical feature My Eyes
Da Datin' Life...
Boo Stats Most of the time
U Love 'em? Yes
Longest relationship 10 years
Shortest relationship Week
If not taken, Who do U Like? Everybody has a crush or 2
Type of Male/Female U Prefer ?
Favorite Food Jamacian,American,sushi,BBQ,I think I just have 2 say everything.
Favorite Candy
Favorite Perfume/Cologne
Favorite Football team Raiders
Favorite Basketball team ?
Favorite Baseball team A's
Favorite Cereal Don't like it
Favorite Ice Cream cookies and cream
Favorite Color Pink
Favorite Movie There r so so many
Favorite TV Show Law and order all of them, O.C,Laguna Beach,Real world,and many more
Favorite Clothe Brand Seven,See Thru Soul,LRG,Gap,Express,Abercrombie
Favorite kind of Shoes Steve Madden,Converse,Uggs and many more
Favorite Mall Sun valley, Stoneridge, Bay street I can't just say 1
Favorite Vacation Spot My Bed
Gettin' In Your Business...
R U A Virgin? Yeah right
Do U Drink? Hell Yes
Smoke? Social Smoker
Do Drugs? Hell No
What Drugs have U done? Green stuff only
Religion Jewish
What Do U Major or Want to Major in? Early Childhood Education
What Do U Wanna be When U grow up? Rich
U Plan on goin' to College? I'm in College
Which 1 Do U wanna Go to?
Do U wanna get Married? Yes Someday
Have Kids? Yes someday
What is Your Goal for this Year? 2 Be Happy
My Beautiful Mother