Football, Basketball, baseball, pool, bowling, movies, A GOOD WOMEN!!!
I got this Sexy Comment from!
Hip-Hop, R&B, Reggae
Scareface, Paid In Full, Love and Basketball, King of New York, Belly, Juice, Bad Boys 1+2, Biker Boyz, Kill Bill 1+2, Soul Food, Blow, Friday 1-3, Barbershop 1+2......Too many to name,but you get the point
Cosby, Fresh Prince, Evrebody Hates Chris, Sportscenter, My Wife and Kids, Girlfriends, Eve, One on One, Malcolm in the Middle, Becker, Living Single
Myspace Glitter Graphics
Autobiography of Malcolm X, The Lion The Witch and The Wordrobe
Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Harriet Tubman, OUR TROOPS OVER SEAS!!, My grandmother, My mom, My aunts and Uncle (They Raised Me),Michael Jordan, Bo Jackson, Zora Neal Hurston, Ali, Danny Glover, Rosa Parks