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Let's see, my heroes... first off, my parents !!! My parents have been my everything throughout my life, from my best friend to the sister and brother I never had. Yes, this means I'm an only child. Assume what you may, but if you know me then you know. My father has been a brother when I needed to get out aggression, and a father when I needed a shoulder to cry on, or even if I need something to eat when I have no money. My mother has been my best friend, when guess what those who you think care, don't. She has picked me up and held me when I did not think I could go another day, and has also given me the hope and power to keep on fighting for another day. If you do not understand this bond, trust in that blood will survive all and that those who truly care will always be there, no matter if you just got done yelling at them or your thousand miles away, they will find a way to help you and keep your head up !!! Thank those people, cause damn, I sure know that my parents do not hear how much I love them enough, or even how they are my true heroes !!!