What happens when you grow up in the reek of paper mills or in the country smelling pig’s shit? You start to drive with your mopeds or hit on your sisters! Unfortunately in our case the gasoline was expensive and our sisters had already moved away from home, so there was this one option left to do: learn how to play and start a metal band. Our first bands were born at the end of the 90’s, but we four problem children met in the 21th century in Lappeenranta, South-Carelia and our first band Disease of the Nation was born 2006.
Disease of the Nation is a sum of Mikko’s schizophrenic vocals, Arto’s insane drum-blasting, weird but kick-ass guitar riffs and Jupu’s tuff bass playing. Our songs are a result of four mentally fucked up minds. Our music is aggressive, melodic, twisted, insane and spiced with punk-attitude and a little bit of humor in arrangements. Fuck the genres, styles and opinions of other people, we do the kind of music we like to play.
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