Nicole Kidman, Parker Posey, Juliet Lewis, Matthew Bellamy, Siouxsie Sioux, Thom Yorke, Hugh Grant, James Marsters. Ah, that's not quite what the intention of 'I'd Like to Meet' is it? Fine, I'd like to meet people that can hold my interest-- Humor- keep me laughing and I'll keep you around. Laughter is my biggest aphrodesiac. Well, that and alcohol, but I'm working on that little problem. Music- I try to keep an open mind of people's personal tastes, but if you live and die for Blink 182 or such rubbish I don't see much conversing going on. And if you can dance, lovely. I'm not talking choreographed top of pops shite, or grinding on some random person or pole to the latest bass thumping house crap. I'm a bit of a goth/punk/indie whathaveyou mut. I don't like and don't respond to run of the mill cookiecutters. If you can find a beat and do something original, congratulations, you pass. I would also say musicians are great, but that's a generalization. Some are chauvanistic, self-centered, blow-hards-- but mainly, the ones in my life are amazing, gifted creatures that entertain and astound me... I'd like to keep it that way. Sex-appeal- Guy or girl, I enjoy being around attractive people. Shoot me, I'm honest. Oh yes, good fashion sense. I adore thrift stores, I love originality- but still make it look good, just because it's weird doesn't make it a hip one of a kind find, you can still come out looking like an ass. Intelligence- You don't have to be a scholar, but I appreciate someone I can discuss philosophy, poetry, foreign film, opera, or classical composers with. Bad grammar is such my pet peave. But then again, don't be serious all the time. As first mentioned I need to laugh. I love someone who isn't afraid to be goofy and make a dork of themselves in the name of a smile. Basically, I just like meeting people that are interesting and don't annoy me.