Black sky is a recording facility located in Orange County, California featuring a fully equipped Pro Tools system. A Tascam MSR-24 24-track tape deck and Amek Angela 36-input console sit in our control room. The studio employs both industry standard plugins and outboard processing. The studio has been home to bands from all over the world. Black sky features several engineers available to offer anything from a one-song demo to a major label full length depending on the budget.
Black sky has hosted the following bands:
Enjambre, With the blood of the clouds, The Deathday Party, The Ions, Olé,
Andromeda, Ryan Duggan, Zachary Aaron, Victory Within, Opensure, Los kondez,
Muerto Guillen, and Armando Cordova.
we are looking for the following gear. if you have any of these and would like to trade them for studio time, please email us or send us a message.
Vox Phantom VI Guitar
Gibson SG Standard Guitar
Shergold Masquerader Guitar
Yamaha RB 1200 Bass Guitar
ARP Omni-2
Powertran Transcendent 2000