Frank the Tank in Virtual Reality profile picture

Frank the Tank in Virtual Reality

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Welcome to my site. Frank the Tank has been my PALZ given nickname since I moved back to Chicago in 2002. While there is something intriguing about jogging in the buff, I didn't earn the nickname by streaking through the quad. I guess it is a reference to my hmmm "lightweightedness" when I do drink and the crazy times that follow. That said "Tank" is but one of my earned badges of babble. I'm also known as the Energizer Bunny because of my high-energy approach to life, Mr. Positive because I'm half full as opposed to half-loaded (then I'm Tank), Mr. Sixxx for my cool dancing skillz, Zoolander for my metrosexual dressing habits, Tommy Guns for the pump my small, but well defined arms get when I train at the gym, and on occasion for some strange, secret reason I've also been called the Rock. As if I don't have enough issues, my brother's names are Tom and Jerry and I never knew where I fit in the cartoon world. People often ask me why I'm single. I'm honored every time someone tells me that I'm the perfect package or "the great catch." The truth is, I used to think you had to be with someone or people would think something is wrong with you. Then I realized it is better to be alone for all the RIGHT reasons then to be in a relationship for the WRONG ones. I try to live my life by being honest in who I am, even if it hurts me from time to time. It's easy to say something but doing it is the real proof of your intention, courage and heart. Words are not actions.Yes Ladies, I said I'm geek in a very Peter Parker kinda of way. As a matter of act, my best friends often compare me to Peter Parker. So then I guess you can say the underlying themes in Spiderman 3 kinda sum up my life...The greatest struggle to happiness and identity often lies within...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

On my space Id like to meet a psycho stalker named Bubba, the one armed man, and one of those models that almost instantly asks you to be a friend. Seriously, REAL people would be nice, mental examination optional. Outside of that, Im a guy so photos might help.

I still BELIEVE passion like this is possible...a guy should be a hero and your girl should be your heroine...