"Disciples of Mammon rose from the ashes of many lesser, less evil bands. The other members of Lord Algeron and Deuter Von Blakkenwold's previous bands all met mysterious and untimely demises. A (very) partial list of pre-D.O.M. bands follows, with the most universally offensive band names omitted: A Coven of Three, Gorgothmognog, Punching Christ's Taint, The End Tymes, Anal Fisting Splatgasm, Satan's Dark Cum, Nightscream, Iron Mask Blowjob, Loki's Triumph, Blue Fires of the Summoning, Porcine Copulation, Faithcrush, Death Rattle Donkeypunch. Disciples of Mammon claim to be the forefathers of a genre they seem to have indeed invented, 'dungeon,' the signal aspects of which are: pre-programmed, hyper-fast drum machines, absence of bass guitar, mystical/gothic/satanic/demented/sado-masochistic lyrics, and the search for the most brutal guitar sound in the history of recording technology, courtesy of Lord Algeron.It is worth noting that both members of Disciples of Mammon have thoroughly erased any and all ties to their past, especially identifying documentation. The reasons for this act of extreme isolation from mainstream society are most likely rooted in the members' desire to dodge several criminal and civil law actions pending and possibly pending against their birth names. Additionally, Disciples of Mammon believe that the forces of the underworld smile on their shedding of all conventional society, since it is held by many authorities that demons and other malign spirits are controlled by the speaking of their names. When asked about their extreme adoption of what are surely stage names, Deuter Von Blakkenwold said, 'We refuse to allow the forces of light to control us by calling upon our true names, as Christ the Defiler commanding Legion into the herd of swine! No! Only the Abyss knows our true names, and so shall it remain, until the end of all things when blighted darkness and coldness reign!'Disciples of Mammon formed, from most reliable accounts, in the early 1990s, and have pursued their unique, troubled vision over 23 albums since their debut 'Raised Bloody Fist of Conquest' was issued in 1994."- Tim DeLingefort, deceased official D.O.M. biographer/journalist, from his unpublished manuscript "A Year in Satan's Womb: My Verbal Travails with Disciples Of Mammon"
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